Photo of DfL device


  • Industry Leading Design
  • Robust Data Collection
  • GPS Excavation Points
  • Single Pass

Data sets for conducting metal loss, deformation, and inertial surveys, along with internal/external discrimination and residual field data are taken in a single pass of the inspection tool. The DfL utilizes axial magnetic flux leakage data to provide an assessment of metal loss occurring within a pipeline.

Concurrent data set collection greatly simplifies the process of identifying features and anomaly types. Processing and analyzing the closely coupled data allows analysts to more readily recognize pipeline features and assess conditions. Any areas indicating geometry and/or metal loss features may now be simultaneously evaluated for deformation, strain, profile, and permeability variations.

The tool utilizes some of the most advanced design, data storage and packaging techniques presently available, as evidenced by the diverse data sets being taken and limited physical size and weight of the tools themselves, typically less in length and weight than most presently being offered.




scalable | robust | compliant

Our MFL-DfL utilizes state-of-the-art Magnetic Flux Leakage technology to provide feature detection, such as:

  • Automated sizing
  • Sizing focused
  • Sizing + Severity
  • Sizing + Correlation
  • Manual validation of any given number of indications
  • Illegal hot tap locations

Ensure and maintain the integrity of your pipeline assets frequently

Run our MFL-DfL as often as you desire and receive quick turn-around of your integrity data. Either way, we're here for you every step of the way!

MFL-DfL Features:

  • Illegal Tapping
  • Intuitive Maintenance
  • Validate & Correlate
  • Compact Configuration
  • Run as Needed
  • Cost Effective
  • Robust Data Collection
  • Run-to Run Corrosion Comparison
  • Rapid Report Turnaround
dfl-mfl dfl-mfl

Photo of DfL MFL device

Quick Results

As an excellent option for lines with short launch and/or receive line traps - The data can be quickly examined to determine new features/anomalies and reported to operators for prompt response - saving time and money.

Analysis Comparison

Analysis of the pipeline data can be conducted and compared to previous runs of the MFL detection tools.

A correlation report will identify any new tap features; new features that were not present in previous tool surveys are quickly recognized.

Prevent Catastrophes

By locating and addressing any potential integrity threats immediately, this will mitigate chances of a future catastrophic event.

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DfL Profile Photo