
In Data-xplor it’s possible to create a temporary download link for a given file, with or without password and expiration date,and for example send this link by email to some user that don’t have credentials for Data-xplor. It is also possible to create dynamically a repository based on a folder inside an existing repository, and allow other users (or a temporary created user) to access it.

Once created, you can re-open the < Share > feature and manage the parameters directly, or access the specific < Shared Elements > repository: here, all the files you have shared, and the repositories you have created can be managed.

Sharing Files: Creating Download Links

You have an interesting file you want to give someone the ability to download, without giving them your Data-xplor credentials: create a temporary download link and send this link! It’s totally secured, does not open any security breach in the system, but let the people access one and only one given file. To do this, simply select the file in the files list, and click on the < Share > button. You should see the popup that gives you the ability to enter various parameters for your share :

  • Expiration : in number of days, you can let < 0? if you don’t want that the link expires, or any integer.
  • Password : a string that will be required for accessing the file. You can leave it empty, in that case clicking the download link willdirectly trigger the download. If non empty, the download link will lead to a password asking screen, and once the password is check, allow the file download.

The < Generate > button will create the ciphered script that you will use as a download link. Once you have generated the link, the buttons turns into a text field where you can copy the link:

The link will direct the user to a download page with or without a password field depending on your configurationn.

Modifying Shared Files

Once shared, the file will appear with a green overlay icon on it. That way you can keep track of what you have already shared, and when you select this file and apply the < Share... > action, you can find your download link, and the number of times the file was already downloaded. If you want to change the parameters (either the expiration date or the password), you have to < Stop Sharing > and redo the « Share » action from the beginning (this is necessary to ensure the integrity of the download link). You will then get a new download link to send.

Sharing Folders: Repository Delegation

As explained in the previous section, you can create < download links > to give access to a given file to the outside world. But what if you even want to share a whole folder? You’re not administrator and you cannot create as many repositories you want, otherwise you would be able to virtually access the whole server. Your rights are limited to a given set of folders, and you want to delegate the access to a subset of them. This is the purpose of the « repository delegation » mechanism.

To create a shared repository, simply select a folder in the right-hand file list and click on « Share » in the action bar.

Choose the repository label (or leave the default one), and the access you want to give: if you give write access, user will automatically will have read and write.

Then you have can choose with whom you want to share : by typing in the < Share With > box, you should get an auto-complete mechanism to choose among the existing AjaXplorer users. If you want to create a temporary user from scratch, set a user/pass pair in the < Create tmp user >. This temporary < shared users > is yours, that is, another AjaXplorer user won’t be able to use the same user name for sharing a repository.

Then click OK, a confirmation message should tell you that the repository was successfully created. Now you can try to logout, and relog to AjaXplorer with the new credentials you just entered : you’ll access directly to the subfolders you just shared.

Like for the shared files, the folder will now appear in your repository with a green overlay icon. You can re-apply the share action to modify the sharing parameters, or totally stop this sharing.
